Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Boyles the Destroyer

One wonders whether the Swift radio ads might prompt the anti-immigration loonies - Tom Tancredo, Peter Boyles, Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, etc., etc., etc... - to finally sniff the coffee? Now that they've chased off the Mexicans, who will butcher the livestock, pick the lettuce, harvest the potatoes, etc., etc., etc...? In all their windy bloviations, Boyles, et al. failed to disclose their intent to drive American citizens down to a point of desperation where they'd be thankful to spend 40+ hours every week toiling in slaughterhouses.

When will we fine tune our hearing to the point of recognizing in Peter Boyles the dulcet tones of the Destroyer? He will, capriciously, turn the Arkansas Valley into a wasteland if he gets his way. If he is so sure that people like my bone idle Irish-American neighbor will gleefully pick the produce, he should start pledging his acolytes now for next year's harvest and take them down to Alamosa in September. That will be worth a few illuminating giggles.

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